About Us

Green Line Safety System LLC

GREENLINE SAFETY SYSTEM LLC, headquartered in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, is the ultimate firefighter and fire safety consultant you are looking for. Specialized majorly in the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Fire Alarm and Fire Fighting Systems, we have been functioning with A+ Category License from the Civil Defence. Green Line is home to a wide range of approved fire protection equipment that is technologically updated and safe. Upgrading our gadgets as per changing safety trends and needs is our strength, and at present, we are armed with the finest firefighting and fire safety equipment available in the industry.
Our exceptional workforce consisting of technically trained and decade long experienced bunch of people are responsible for Green Line being the most trusted firefighting and electromechanical company in UAE. We also provide consultation, installation and technical support to our clients with much-needed quality and professionalism. Green Line met with success by adhering to our values, and we have never let changing technologies steal our shine. We are committed to imparting quality and on-time services in:
Fire suppression hence minimizing losses to the maximum.
Fire protection and evacuation within a short span
Hazardous materials response
Emergency medical response

Our Specialization

A+ Certified by Civil Defense
Specialized Maintenance & Fit Out Team
24 / 7 Emergency Call Out Support
Dedicated Team for Emergency Services
Fully Equipped Technical Workshop
360° Customer Support


At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)