Fire Alarm System

Fire Alarm System

Fire alarms are those entities that are very often ignored or forgotten until an emergency arises. Be it home, office, industry or even a public space, fire alarms are a necessity for ensuring collective safety. Prevention is far better than any extreme situation, especially if it includes fire and Green Line guarantees our clients full-fledged fire protection services. You can find one of the supremely upgraded fire alarm systems, and we take care of the entire installation and supply operations of these safety armours.
Green Line is one of the widely trusted fire alarm installation companies in the UAE, with satisfied customers spanned across boundaries. Our professional workforce is equipped with massive experience in terms of fire alarm installation, and they promise you a safer atmosphere within the cost-friendly options.
Installation in apt locations.
Provides services for industrial, residential, organizational or any other n purpose.
Regular check and updation of installed systems.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)