Fire Fighting System

Fire Fighting System

As committed fire saviours of UAE, we provide top to bottom fire extinguishing services using the most modern and minimum time-consuming equipment and methodologies. Green Line provides only accredited and approved firefighting services, and public security is our ultimate aim. We have the expertise of extinguishing even complex fire scenarios with our updated safety armours, like portable fire extinguishers, hose reels, hose pipes, nozzles and so on. Seeing the sense of relief in your faces is what keeps us going even in intense firefighting conditions.
Be it your house, building, vehicles, warehouse, or any other unpredictable location, our brave and smart firefighters will ensure extinguishment and full-fledged control of emergency situations within less time. In return for the trust you give us, we promise you:
Fully-packed team consisting of medical technicians, inspectors, engineers etc.
High quality and cutting edge firefighting equipment and trucks.
Immediate response and revert, and timely operation.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)